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Child-Proof Locks: Keeping Home And Kids Safe

Keeping a home and any children inside safe is undeniably important. Having child resistant locks can stop kids from entering rooms that they should not go into. They can, in addition, stop a small child from getting their finger caught in a pantry door, for instance, one that is a bi-fold door. When a small child is mobile and can run around but does not yet entirely understand instructions or the risk associated with things such as running out the front door, child resistant locks can make a big difference for families. 

When you have doors with lever handles, closets, bathrooms, a door that opens to a basement (which could present a fall risk), and any other doors in your home that open to a space in which you do not want your child to enter, consider child resistant locks. Some can even be set up at the top of a door so the lock is not even visible, therefore it won’t cause any sort of “eye sore.” 

There are locks that work by sliding back and forth to lock and unlock the door. There is an abundance of options for customers to choose from. 

Safety latches and locks that go on items such as on drawers and cabinets can assist in stopping children from gaining access to household cleaners and chemicals, medicines, matches, scissors, kitchen utensils that might be sharp, lighters, and other objects that they should otherwise stay away from and be prevented from accessing. Even products with child-resistant packaging should be locked away and kept out of reach. 

We know that you want to keep your little ones safe. You want to keep kids from entering rooms or spaces that either are not child safe or are otherwise just not meant to accommodate a child. When you have doors with lever handles, uniquely shaped handles, handles that are oversized, or doors with otherwise typical handles, there are specific locks that can be purchased which rest at the top of a door. This type of safety door lock can open and close from both sides of a door.

It is affordable to use child resistant locks, and many can be found for under $10. These child resistant locks might be referred to as baby proofing locks, toddler proofing locks, or even child proof locks. They can be used in kitchen or bathroom cabinets, bedroom doors, entry doors, basement doors, pantries and more. There are door-knob covers, door-knob handle covers, and even pinch guards and finger protectors (which are relevant to the point about worrying about kids getting their fingers caught in a door). 

Child resistant locks are meant to keep homes and kids safe. After reading this information, it is our hope that you have a better idea of what is out there in terms of locks when there are kids in the home. It is important to protect children and prevent them from entering certain areas, and from sustaining an injury. 
